D2D-Loyality Points are use to unlock premium chapters. Points never expire!

There are ways to gain free D2D-points by events only, so please join the discord channel to find out how you can win/gain free D2D-points!

To Purchase D2D-Loyality points please login to see the buttons and select an amount!

$1.00 USD (for 100 D2D-Loyality Points)

$5.00 USD (for 500 D2D-Loyality Points)

$10.00 USD (for 1000 D2D-Loyality Points)

$25.00 USD (for 2500 D2D-Loyality Points)

$50.00 USD (for 5000 D2D-Loyality Points)

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Future Subscription plan: Read unlimited (feature coming soon)